Iris Wolfe was the daughter of a triune — two fathers and one mother. The Wolfes were one of the oldest families on the island, having been onboard the Eclipse when it ran aground on the then-unnamed Merryapple in the 15th century. She lived with her parents in the family’s ancestral home, Wolfe Lodge. She was around sixteen years old when tragedy struck and all three of her parents drowned in a storm when travelling back from Blackrabbit Island. Her uncle, Conall, took over the running of the family forge from then on. Flame-haired, bright-eyed, bubbly, and almost always smiling, one could be forgiven for thinking Iris wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Her optimism could come off as naivety to those who didn’t really know her. The truth was, Iris had seen enough misery to last her a lifetime and was very careful about what, and who, she let into her life. Her life changed again when she met Lady Eva Chase in Port Knot. Struck by her beauty, Iris pursued her, catching her alone, and making her intentions clear. The two began a courtship fraught with difficulty brought on by Eva’s disapproving father, Lord Marley Chase. Barely a year into their courtship, they were handfasted in the Moth & Moon, and she took the title and name Lady Iris Wolfe-Chase. Eva moved to the island and Iris’ family home was renamed Wolfe-Chase Lodge. In WE CRY THE SEA Iris will face her toughest challenge yet.
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