On the tiny island of Merryapple, in the year 1730, Robin Shipp was found as a newborn baby aboard a boat in the village harbour. The only clue to his origins was a note accompanying him - apparently written by his mother - naming local fisherman Erasmus Shipp as his father. Erasmus would raise the boy himself, with some help from his friends, Barnabas and Morwenna Whitewater. Robin grew up to be taller than anyone in the village, and heavier, too. Though good-hearted and affable, he was made an outcast at a young age after the mysterious death of Barnabas Whitewater and the disappearance of his own father, both on the same night. Erasmus left to Robin his lugger, Bucca’s Call, with which Robin would go on to earn his living as a fisherman. Robin could count his friends on one hand. There was Edwin Farriner, the village baker; George Reed, the innkeeper of the Moth & Moon inn; and Morwenna Whitewater, a long-time friend of the Shipp family and Barnabas’ widow. In THE MOTH AND MOON, a hurricane strikes his island home and uncovers long-buried secrets that change Robin's life forever.
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