Welcome to the new-look GQ Gallery

It’s all different! Well, it’s mostly different. Anyway, after a major hiccup with the old site resulting in downtime, mass deletions and email outages, I’m finally back up and running. most of the posts from the last year have gone, but the photos they contained should be in their respective galleries now.

So…. hooray!

More bears

So, this Sock Bear thing is getting out of hand. Have made a bunch more, including Green Lantern Bear, here. I made the other one from a big furry throw that my mother asked me to use. I know the proportions are a little… unusual. Anyway, hope she likes it!


Hand-made teddy bear with heart nose
Hand-made teddy bear with heart nose
Hand-made teddy bear with heart nose
Hand-made teddy bear with heart nose
Green Lantern Sock Bear
Green Lantern Sock Bear

All new, all different!

Welcome to the all new, all different GQ GALLERY!

I’ve upgraded to WordPress so I’ll be able to update the site more often. Expect to see more artwork, more designs and a lot more photography.

Thanks for stopping by,


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