W5 with Valentine Wheeler

Today I have five questions with Valentine Wheeler about NO PARKING

Who is the star of your book? 

NO PARKING by Valentine Wheeler

NO PARKING’s main character is Marianne, a divorced 60 year old bakery owner in small-town Massachusetts. She’s lived in the same town all her life and knows everyone in it and all their secrets… or so she thinks.

What is your story about? 

It’s about finding your place. And it’s about making space for yourself when you really haven’t in a long time. It’s about taking charge of your life and your happiness, and it’s also about how great baked goods are.

When is it set?

It’s contemporary, but the history of the town is crucial to the story!

Where is it set? 

A fictional town to the southwest of Boston. Massachusetts is a small state with very distinct regions, and the towns on the edge between the Boston suburbs and the rural parts of the state walk a really interesting line.

Why this story?

I wanted to write something about older bi women–so few stories feature older queer characters, and bi women especially. I want to be able to see people like me aging comfortably into themselves and not having to struggle with their identity. This isn’t a coming out story. This is a coming home story.

Buy NO PARKING from Ninestar Press

Author Bio:

Valentine is a latecomer to writing, though she’s always been a passionate reader. Through fanfiction she found her way to an incredible community of writers who’ve taught her to love making stories.

When she isn’t writing, she’s making bad puns, yelling about television, or playing with her small child.

Her life’s ambition is to eat the cuisine of every single country.


Thanks for stopping by, Valentine!

W5 with Kevin Klehr about WINTER MASQUERADE

Today’s five questions are with Kevin Klehr about Winter Masquerade from Ninestar Press!

Who is the star of your book?

Although Ferris is the main character, I’ve learnt never to assume who will be the star of a book. It was Guy, the insecure angel, that readers fell in love with in my first novel, Drama Queens with Love Scenes.

So, in this tale, there’s a cast of whimsical characters who could be the star. There’s Janus, a miniature flying horse who helps the Detective solve cases. There’s Molly, the absent-minded mistress of The Alchemist, who is also his wife’s best friend. Or maybe it’s Cole, Ferris’s love interest who wears sunglasses and a white suit, playing it oh so cool throughout the story.

I’ll let the readers decide who the star is.

What is your story about?

In short, it’s the story of Ferris who wakes up on the Sea Queen, a mystical cruise liner sailing on a chocolate sea. He misses his boyfriends in the real world but the only person who can help him, The Alchemist, has been kidnapped.

But while the novella is eccentric and childlike, it explores dark themes within the gay community.

When is it set? Where is it set?

Ferris lives in present day Sydney, but the ship he finds himself on is timeless. It sails forever, hosting one masquerade ball after another.

Yet the world the Sea Queen inhabits is known to go steampunk from time to time.

Why this story?

I wanted to explore an experience from my own past. Several decades on I felt ready to re-examine it in a fantasy setting.

You watch the trailer for WINTER MASQUERADE here:

Author bio

Kevin lives with his husband, Warren, in their humble apartment (affectionately named Sabrina), in Australia’s own ‘Emerald City,’ Sydney.

Kevin Klehr

His tall tales explore unrequited love in the theatre district of the Afterlife, romance between a dreamer and a realist, and a dystopian city addicted to social media.

His first novel, Drama Queens with Love Scenes, spawned a secondary character named Guy. Many readers argue that Guy, the insecure gay angel, is the star of the Actors and Angels book series. His popularity surprised the author. The third in this series, Drama Queens and Devilish Schemes, scored a Rainbow Award (judged by fans of queer fiction) for Best Gay Alternative Universe/Reality novel.

So, with his fictional guardian angel guiding him, Kevin hopes to bring more whimsical tales of love, life and friendship to his readers.


Website: https://kevinklehr.com/

Author Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DramaQueensWithLoveScenes/

Twitter: @kevinklehr

Instagram: @klehrkevin

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4298144.Kevin_Klehr

W5 with Valentine Wheeler

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Welcome to the first in what I hope is a regular feature in which Ninestar Press authors answer five questions about their work.

Checked Baggage by Valentine Wheeler

Who is the star of your book?
CHECKED BAGGAGE stars Faris, a guy on his way back from some family stuff who just wants to get home and lock himself in his apartment away from everyone! Luckily for him, his plans are foiled.

What is your story about?
It’s about family, and connection, and what it means to be from somewhere. It’s also about what happens when the hotel room has only one bed!

When is it set?
It’s contemporary, the week before Thanksgiving!

Where is it set?
Most of the story happens in the Beirut airport and a nearby hotel, with a special appearance by Boston.

Why this story?
My family is from the same area that my characters’ are, and it’s a place I’ve always felt a bit of a frayed connection to. Themes of family and what places mean have always been important to me, and I wanted to explore that!


When Faris has to take a trip back to his family’s home in Lebanon to handle his grandmother’s estate, he finds himself caught between the world he left and the world he’s built himself in the United States. After an exhausting stay with his boisterous extended family, all he wants is a quiet trip home and a chance to rest before Thanksgiving with his parents in Massachusetts. But the weather has different plans for him.

Charlie’s father left when he was a toddler, and he’s never gotten a chance to connect with his paternal roots. A trip to the village his grandparents left in the 1930s gave him the facts but left him yearning for a past he still didn’t understand.

When both men are stuck in Beirut for the night unexpectedly, can they make the connection they’re both missing and make it home in time for Thanksgiving?

Buy it on Amazon or buy it on Ninestarpress.com

Thanks for joining in, Valentine!

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